Clear your space, clear your mind.

How organized is your crafty corner? 

Getting organized isn't always as simple as you think it is. Sometimes you need some "encouragement".

With the Covid lockdowns across Canada that defined 2020, many of us decided to finally organize our homes and tackle our previously ignored to-do lists. The travel restrictions allowed everyone the extra time they needed to no longer be procrastinators. 

Since I finally had the time and ran out of valid excuses, I was able to sort through my craft collection and organize everything. What should have been a simple task ended up interfering with valuable crafting time.

It became quite the lengthy process especially because I frequently rediscovered items that I had purchased on impulse, never used and forgot that I even had.



I will never understand why I have so much ribbon and cardstock. There really is no logical explanation. I do not use ribbon when wrapping gifts or make my own cards. I guess I have a weakness for pretty things whether I have an intended use for them or not. It was obviously time to declutter.

A decluttered work area will allow you to focus on your creativity and be more productive. You will minimize distraction, won’t have to waste time looking for something or risk getting tangled in an endless web of ribbon.

Moving into a new home at the end of 2020 allowed me to become lucky enough to FINALLY have a designated craft area. Now, I am in the process of designing it and intend to keep it organized. Organized space, organized mind, right?

But, what's the secret to staying organized year round without having to do an annual purge? What should your ideal craft area consist of?

There are a lot of organization hacks made out of simple and inexpensive household materials which I plan to incorporate into my new craft space.

Some essentials include:

  1. Peg board - These are a great idea to keep essentials and small items within arm's reach but out of your way. The best part is that they are fully customizable! You can use as many bins or hooks that you need to help you keep everything organized. You won't have to wonder where your weeding tool is ever again.
  2. Filing Cabinet - These are a functional way to organize your scraps of cardstock, vinyl and HTV and file the materials by type. This is also a great way to store your cardstock especially when you have a personal collection larger than a certain big box store. Check your local thrift stores or marketplace ads to find a great deal on a previously owned cabinet. Saving money is crafty!
  3. Large workspace  - Ideally kept clear, this will allow you to get messy, get creative and get the task done in record time.
  4. Tools - Having the right tool for the job is important and makes your project easier and less stressful.
  5. Plastic bag holders  - Although not their intended purpose, these are a great way to store vinyl rolls.
  6. Clear bins - The cuter the better. I snagged a bunch of transparent teal plastic bins at my local Dollar Tree and I can't wait to fill them up.
  7. Curtain rods  - These are a simple, great hack to organize your ribbon spools and keep them handy for when you finally decide to use them. Great for those with those unnamed individuals with a ribbon hoarding problem.
  8. A door  - This is necessary to close and hide the mess in desperate situations. Out of sight, out of mind.

Check out this amazing craft room by Sweet Red Poppy for inspiration. 

Craft room with peg board

Perhaps one day I will be lucky enough to upgrade my craft room to a she-shed. They are a highly coveted, quiet getaway from the noise of family life. A secluded area where you can escape to go craft with yourself or your bestie. A quiet place to regroup and focus on self-care. No-one will touch your things, ask you for snacks or take your favourite supplies without asking. I would not have to explain why my paper scissors should not be used to open freezies. Sigh.

This is definitely on my bucket list and would be a dream come true, but for now, my new craft room will do. 

Now, let’s get crafty. Oh look, ribbon!   

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