Volume 2: Powerwash Tumblers

Remember my super cute pineapple tumbler from Volume 1 with waterslide and vinyl decals?

Well, I didn't stop there. 

Although I loved the combination of the shimmer from our glitter tumblers, the bright waterslide and the bold vinyl decal, I decided it needed to some more pizazz. 

I have never been a follower and I like to create my own path. That's why I'm a supporter of truly unique designs that no one can easily replicate. The powerwash method is so unique that even YOU won't be able to make the same tumbler twice. I dare you to try.

Being different isn't a bad thing.
It means you’re brave enough to be yourself.


It's fun, it's easy and the magic ingredient is...dish soap. Yes, you read that right.


Powerwash Tumbler

Here is a list of products and equipment you need to get started:

  1. Dawn Platinum Powerwash Dish Spray - A powerful foamy soap that is the key to this magic tumbler technique and can be used to clean up the sink full of dishes after you craft. How versatile is that? After all, the dishes don't clean themselves.
  2. Spray Paint -  I used Rust-Oleum Painter's Touch from Home Depot. It's always in stock and comes in a variety of colours. Pick your favourite colour, or even two! 
  3. Pool Noodle - This is used to protect the inside of your tumbler and make it easy for you to turn the tumbler around while you work your magic. I had one lying around, but these can be found at a dollar store near you.
  4. Bubble Wrap - If your pool noodle doesn't fit snugly in your tumbler you can use bubble wrap around it like I did. The bubble wrap not only helps make a tight seal but also offers added protection. This extra layer creates a "fan" to protect your hands and clothes from the spray paint for less mess. The key word is "less".
  5. Water - These tumblers should be created outside in the fresh open air and near a garden hose, just like the ones kids used to drink from back in the day. You will need access to water immediately after you are finished spray painting. Being outside near water is the best way you can tackle two things at once. No football experience required.

Prep your tumbler

Wrap your pool noodle in bubble wrap and stuff it inside of your tumbler. You want it to fit snugly so the inside of the tumbler does not get covered in paint. The pool noodle will be your handle so the tumbler will be easy to hold and rotate while you're working. Make sure it is snug enough so the tumbler does not fall off.

 Powerwash Tumbler

Click here to learn about the history of the pool noodle. Besides being an informative article which will give you material to show your friends how smart you are, it supports the idea that you should always believe in your product and never give up. Don't let haters bring you down.

How does it work?

The key thing to know is that any area of your tumbler that is covered in this magic powerwash spray will not be covered by the spray paint. The soap will repel the paint and once you rinse it off, the colour of your tumbler will be exposed.

You can use as much or as little as you would like depending on the effect you would like to achieve. Less is probably a better idea simply because Dawn Platinum Powerwash is now getting harder to find. Tumbler artists are buying this in bulk making it the newest popular craft supply. Strange but true.

Let's have a Bubble party!

Spray shy? Spraying a little will create a splash or bubble pattern. This is the beautiful effect that this method is famous for and is ultimately your goal. 

Feeling dramatic? Spraying a lot will basically have no effect. This is perfectly EFFECTIVE for covering up a decal that you have already applied. You can also pile it on to leave a blank, unpainted space for a decal you plan to apply. 

Powerwash Tumbler

I sprayed an excessive amount on top of my pineapple waterslide decal to cover it up and ensure that it was not covered with spray paint because I wanted the pineapple to show through and be the focus of the tumbler. It's my "attention seeking tumbler".

Remember, you can powerwash your tumbler first and then apply your decal afterwards. Everyone has a preference. Do what you feel comfortable with.

3-2-1...shake and spray

Once your tumbler is sudsy, it's time to spray paint. Remember, you should always be in a well-ventilated area when using spray paint. Safety first!

Shake your can and get ready to spray paint your tumbler. Remember, the spray paint colour will only remain on the spots that have not been covered with powerwash.The powerwash is a spray paint repellent.

This is where you can get really creative to create the desired effect. Work quickly and steadily so the soap doesn't run.

✨ Spray a little, or spray a lot

✨ Spray on one side, or all over

✨ Spray one colour, or two

Time to rinse

Rinse your tumbler under the garden hose immediately after you have finished spray painting it.

As the dish soap is washed off, the bubble pattern splash marks of your powerwash tumbler design will be revealed. Ta-da!

Powerwash Tumbler

Powerwash Tumbler

It's quick. It's easy. It's fun!

Making a powerwash tutorial is also messy, but that's the best part of creating something.

Now what?

Powerwash tumblers should be coated with epoxy or an acrylic clear coat to create a glossy and durable finish to make your tumbler last. But that's a lesson for another day because this tutorial can't LAST forever.

Until next time, stay crafty!

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